About Us

Since 2001, we have operated a high-speed communications infrastructure with global access for delivery to our customers on a managed services basis. We have installed more than 25 kilometres of fibre optic cable in the City of Pembroke and in the Town of Mississippi Mills. We provide options for Internet services, dark fibre leasing, as well as SCADA and local loop networks.
ORES also provides the same services in other regions of Ontario with customers in Deep River, Perth, and Renfrew. We also have communication towers located in Chalk River and Deep River with options available for tower attachment agreements for anyone interested in utilizing our available spaces.
The wide range of electrical-based services we offer is an ideal complement to our fibre services. For more information view the "Our Services" page.
ORES is now pleased to offer energy services to its customers. With a high level of customer service and proficiency, we can assist our customers in achieving their energy efficiency potential.
Please contact ORES if you have any questions or would like to obtain a quote for our services. Our staff members are highly committed to working with you to help fulfill your goals and assist with your needs.